Saturday 21 December 2019

TWEET without INTERNET. Just send an SMS and see your tweet in your profile.

In India, there is an option to tweet without Internet.

Just  type your tweet in a message and send it to "9248948837" from the mobile number linked with your account.

the mobile number has to be verified.

just send an SMS and start tweeting!!


STEP 1 -Verifying in Azure AD Portal:

 Log into Azure AD portal with Global Admin Credentials
 In the home page click Azure Active directory => AD Connect in the left blade
 Check Sync Status and Last sync timings

STEP 2 – checking through PowerShell:

 Log into PowerShell in the AD Connect server with elevated rights,
 Run Get-ADSyncScheduler
 The Value of “SyncCycleEnabled” has to be “True”


PS C:\Windows\system32> get-Adsyncscheduler

AllowedSyncCycleInterval            : 00:30:00
CurrentlyEffectiveSyncCycleInterval : 00:30:00
CustomizedSyncCycleInterval         :
NextSyncCyclePolicyType             : Delta
NextSyncCycleStartTimeInUTC         : 12/19/2019 1:00:20 PM
PurgeRunHistoryInterval             : 7.00:00:00
SyncCycleEnabled                    : True
MaintenanceEnabled                  : True
StagingModeEnabled                  : True
SchedulerSuspended                  : False
SyncCycleInProgress                 : False

STEP 3 – checking User profiles:

 Log into with GA credentials
 Azure Active Directory => Users
 You should be able to see users with Source as Windows server AD.

run, (Get-ADSyncGlobalSettings).Parameters | Select Name,Value

in powershell with elevated rights. The above command will give you the details of your company`s Ad Connect configurations. It also has AD Connect version.Alternatively you can check from Control panel.

PS C:\Windows\system32> (Get-ADSyncGlobalSettings).Parameters | select Name,Value

Name                                                   Value
----                                                   -----
Microsoft.Synchronize.SynchronizationPolicy            Delta
Microsoft.Synchronize.StagingMode                      True
Microsoft.SynchronizationOption.JoinCriteria           AlwaysProvision
Microsoft.UserSignIn.DesktopSsoEnabled                 False
Microsoft.Synchronize.MaintenanceEnabled               True
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.ExportDeletionThresholdValue 500
Microsoft.Version.SynchronizationRuleImmutableTag      V1
Microsoft.SynchronizationOption.AnchorAttribute        mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.FilterAAD                    False
Microsoft.SynchronizationOption.UPNAttribute           userPrincipalName
Microsoft.Synchronize.SchedulerSuspended               False
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.DirectoryExtension           False
Microsoft.Synchronize.TimeInterval                     00:30:00
Microsoft.SystemInformation.MachineRole                RoleMemberServer
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.DeviceWriteBack              False
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.AutoUpgradeState             Suspended
Microsoft.Synchronize.NextStartTime                    Thu, 19 Dec 2019 13:00:20 GMT
Microsoft.Synchronize.RunHistoryPurgeInterval          7.00:00:00
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.GroupFiltering               False
Microsoft.ConnectDirectories.WizardDirectoryMode       AD
Microsoft.Synchronize.SynchronizationSchedule          True
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.ExchangeMailPublicFolder     False
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.UserWriteBack                False
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.ExportDeletionThreshold      True
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.DeviceWriteUp                True
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.HybridExchange               False
Microsoft.UserSignIn.SignOnMethod                      PasswordHashSync
Microsoft.OptionalFeature.GroupWriteBack               False

Connect-msolservice   // connect to Ms online service , use Global Admin  credentials

gives info about last sync cycle, password syn enabled or not etc

Friday 22 February 2019

Auto Cert Rollover in ADFS and setting the new token signing as primary and changing the old one as secondary | Renew federation certificates for Office 365 and Azure Active Directory

Renew federation certificates for Office 365 and Azure Active Directory

Auto Cert Rollover in ADFS and setting the new token signing as primary and changing the old one as secondary 

If you get a token signing certificate when the old certificate is expiring, the new certificate will sitting only as "secondary" until the promotion threshold is met .

you cannot change the cert as Primary. It will be grayed out.

Step 1: Check the AutoCertificateRollover state

get into the Primary ADFS server

run   Get-Adfsproperties in PowerShell with elevated rights.

check if autocertificateRollover is set to "true"

here the threshold is 5 days so the new certificate will become as Primary 5 days before the expiry of the original certificate.

Step 2: Confirm that AD FS and Azure AD are in sync

Install-Module MSOnline
Connect to Azure AD using the MSOnline PowerShell-Module.Import-Module MSOnlineConnect-MsolService
Check the certificates configured in AD FS and Azure AD trust properties for the specified domain.Get-MsolFederationProperty -DomainName <> | FL Source, TokenSigningCertificate
If the thumbprints in both the outputs match, your certificates are in sync with Azure AD.

if not run Update-MSOLFederatedDomain –DomainName <domain>

Renew the token signing certificate automatically (recommended) 

You don't need to perform any manual steps if both of the following are true:You have deployed Web Application Proxy, which can enable access to the federation metadata from the extranet.You are using the AD FS default configuration (AutoCertificateRollover is enabled).Check the following to confirm that the certificate can be automatically updated.

1. The AD FS property AutoCertificateRollover must be set to True. This indicates that AD FS will automatically generate new token signing and token decryption certificates, before the old ones expire.

2. The AD FS federation metadata is publicly accessible. Check that your federation metadata is publicly accessible by navigating to the following URL from a computer on the public internet (off of the corporate network):https://(your_FS_name)/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xmlwhere (your_FS_name)is replaced with the federation service host name your organization uses, such as If you are able to verify both of these settings successfully, you do not have to do anything else.



Thursday 21 February 2019

How to delete a managed Domain in Azure.

How to delete a managed Domain in Azure.

Some time we might be in a need to delete the managed domain in Azure. Follow the below mentioned steps to delete the managed Domain or custom Domain. However you will not be able to delete the Primary domain ( as it is the name of your directory

  • Azure Active Directory => Custom Domain names
  • Click on the custom domain name => Click Delete

To delete a custom domain name, you must first ensure that no resources in your directory rely on the domain name.

You can’t delete a domain name from your directory if:

  • ·        Any user has a user name, email address, or proxy address that includes the domain name.
  • ·        Any group has an email address or proxy address that includes the domain name.
  • ·         Any application in your Azure AD has an app ID URI that includes the domain name.

You must change or delete any such resource in your Azure AD directory before you can delete the custom domain name.

Getting error in ADFS proxy 2.0 "Encountered error during federation passive request"

Some customers who are using 2008 server for ADFs proxy may sometime get errors
  "Encountered error during federation passive request"

This usually happens when they change the certificate which is about to expire.

Usually for this kind of issue where the ADFS service and metadata when not accessible extenally we check for certificate bindings

we will be going to PowerShell  with admin rights

compare the thumbprint with ADFS

but in 2008 R2 we don't have this option to run PS command

so run the ADFS proxy 2.0 wizard that will be fixing the most of the issues.

Friday 15 February 2019

Azure MFA Unexpected-Failed Result - MFA App Password calls being rejected with bad username/password

My users that use App passwords for the native mail client are not getting mail.

there has been many customers that are saying app passwords are not working with azure.

The back end team has fixed the issue. If you still have problem create a support ticket in Azure portal.

 வாழ்க்கை முழுவதைம் அள்ளிச்சென்ற  பின்,   கனவில்  மட்டும்  வந்து   ஏன் இன்பம்  காட்டுகிறாய்... கனவு கலைந்ததும்  உண்மை  வாட்டுகிறது... கனவாவத...